Sunday, 25 March 2012


When the earth received really first man, it had to welcome so a great number of diseases. With the passage of time on the a single hand population was in progress and on the other hand diseases had been in the progress. Up till now surprising number of diseases has been witnessed by the human getting. The diagnoses method also took start out with the start out of diseases and still both in progress. Some diseases have develop into the challenge for the diagnostic teams. Some diseases haven been diagnosed by the diagnostic teams immediately after really difficult and wonderful operate but the remedy as well as medicines for such diseases could not be identified.

Some diseases from their names and causing virus deemed to be really effortless but our judgment is proved altogether a blunder. Because of our carelessness sooner they develop into fatal and out of remedy range and the patient, s death is the ultimate result.
DENGUE FEVER OR DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER is also a decisive disease. By its name we contemplate it an ordinary fever due to bite of a mosquito. Moreover there is similarity between the signs and symptoms of DENGUE FEVER and ordinary seasonal fever. In both instances signs and symptoms are headache, bones ache, muscle and joints discomfort and fever. As just about every fever has about the identical signs and symptoms, patient does not contemplate it DENGUE if no such case has been still reported from any quarter.

Prior to news about the DENGUE FEVER, neither patient nor doctor takes discomfort to diagnose the fever to the extent of perfect diagnoses.

Dengue fever is a really old disease but during final 20 years it covered the region more than earlier. Dengue fever is the result of a bite of an infected mosquito who has bitten earlier an infected individual. Dengue virus is not a contagious a single and does not travel from a individual to one more directly, between the two persons a mosquito is the cause of infection .
Initially the patient feels that he is suffering from flu because the signs and symptoms are the identical. Additional when dengue hemorrhagic fever attacks the patient feels severe seasonal fever. Dengue fever is fatal a single . Very same as flu it is a viral disease. Four varieties of dengue virus have been found so for which have been named as DEN-1, DEN-two, DEN-3 and DEN-4.

Especially the dengue fever hits the tropical places of the globe. Once Asia, Africa and North America continents had been the Dengue virus and fever places. Lateron the Dengue traveled to Jakarta, Indonesia, Cairo, Egypt and Philadelphia.

Signs and symptoms OF DENGUE FEVER.
Dengue fever signs and symptoms are diverse as per age of the patients. Infants and young youngsters have to suffer from the fever with rash. Adults and older youngsters when involving the dengue fever, complain as suffering from routine seasonal or severe fever with headache, discomfort behind the eyes, muscles and joints discomfort and rash.

Treatment OF DENGUE.
There is no distinct remedy of dengue fever. Basic medicine which are implemented in fever or ache of diverse parts of body, are recommended during the dengue fever. If bleeding is there during the dengue fever, it is due to low platelet count, in time platelet concentrates and red cell transfusion should certainly be there from time to time up till two or 3 weeks.

If we save ourselves from the bite of mosquito we are productive to prevent the dengue or other virus from the bite of mosquito because the only cause of dengue is the mosquito bite. Mosquito repellant, protective clothes and window screens can be valuable. Pollution like water-filled points and old tires should certainly not be there in the vicinity.

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